Society for Electronic Transactions and Security(SETS)

(Under O/o The Principal Scientific Adviser to the Govt. of India )

MGR Knowledge City, CIT Campus, Taramani, Chennai - 600113


SETS – Security Technology Advancement and Research by Students (STARS) – Scheme


About the Scheme SETS has been working in the challenging areas of Cyber security research with a focus on Cryptology and Computing; Hardware Security; Network Security and Quantum security adhering to the three tenets (i) Directed basic research (ii) Translational research and (iii) Coherent synergy. The R&D projects taken-up by SETS are mainly focusing for the long-term research (directed basic research) leading to capability building by publishing the research works in reputed journals/ conferences; IPR generation, patents; development of technology prototypes and deployment of products & solutions for end user organizations. Over the last few years SETS based on coherent synergy principle explored R&D collaborations with other R&D labs; academia and PSUs to work towards the usable solutions/ products. Towards opening up R&D problems and nurturing talents, SETS Chennai is announcing SETS STARS scheme for students. This offers opportunities for internship / final year project / dissertation programmes to graduate/postgraduate students and for students who are pursing PhD – who would like to pursue their academic projects in the area of information security.

Overall Guidelines

  • Applicable for students who are pursing B.E./B.Tech./M.E/M.Tech. (in Computers Science & Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Information Technology, Cybersecurity, VLSI, Embedded Systems) Ph.D/M.C.A and Masters in Mathematics or Statistics to pursue research and development in cyber security.
  • Students are expected to be available at SETS Chennai campus at least for a period of 4 months and for a maximum period of 12 months to pursue the same
  • Students to pursue project/ internship in the SETS specified problem statements
  • Student(s) will be required to have their own laptops. SETS shall provide them office space, networking facilities and other necessary tool/equipment on demand by concerned Group heads/Advisors
  • Students have to manage their boarding, lodging and transportation for the entire duration
  • Please note that there will be no stipend (or) payment payable
  • SETS policy for project/internship is based on the availability of scientists to guide on the specific problem statement. Hence very limited seats are available
  • SETS shall have the exclusive rights on all the research outcomes produced during the project/internship period
  • On successful completion of the Project/Internship, a certificate shall be issued by Guide/Group heads of the concerned subject division
  • Students undergoing or completing the project/internship shall not have any claim for employment in SETS of any sort
  • The decision of SETS shall be final and no communication will be entertained in this regard
  • Mere application for Project/Internship does not guarantee selection

Procedure for Application

  • The following documents must be sent as an email to
  • Recommendation letter from the HoD of the College/University (on College/University letterhead duly signed with seal affixed) clearly specifying the
    1. Name of the student and details including current semester etc
    2. Duration of the proposed project/internship at SETS along with dates (It is mandatory that student be available at SETS for at least 4 months and for a maximum of 12 months)
    3. A Statement of Purpose(SoP)[750 – 1000 words long] detailing the motivation, survey of global and national efforts in the area, possible approaches, related works if any carried out. The Chosen Problem statement title as available in SETS website that will be pursued by the student should also be mentioned in the SoP
    4. Details of the contact person from institute along with name, designation, email and contact number
    5. A Detailed CV including the memorandum of marks

Selection Process

  • SETS will scrutinize the applications received based on internal process and the selected candidates shall be informed through email
  • Selection depends upon the suitability of the candidate, and the specific requirements of SETS
  • The selection process shall be through screening of resume, review of Statement of Purpose (SoP) and Interview and/or written test and/or programming test, as applicable
  • As the selection process may go through various stages, SETS may not respond to intermediate queries of all such applicants. It may kindly be noted that selected candidates will receive an email

Proceedings after Selection

  • Students are expected to be at SETS during the entire period of Project/Internship and need to be available during working hours
  • Students shall ensure confidentiality and sign an Non-Disclosure-Agreement with SETS
  • Students to strictly adhere to SETS norms of working and code of conduct
  • SETS will review the student research activities and evaluate the progress/outcomes of the projects. SETS may carryout interim evaluation as required along with the institute guide
  • The students to submit a technical report/Research papers/ Working prototype / Software to SETS
  • Students are expected to meet the intermediate timelines/deliverables as given by the SETS guide
  • Students to give internal seminar(s), carry out demonstration, submit project report 3 weeks prior to the last date
  • Students are expected to publish the work done in reputed journals/conferences along with SETS guide

Students are expected to publish the work done in reputed journals/conferences

S. No Title of Problem Statement
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) assisted Side Channel Analysis (SCA)
2. Boolean function and their measurement for the randomness
3. Development of a Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC) on FPGA with 50ps Resolution
4. Experiments on Differential Fault Analysis on Microcontroller Platform
5. Prototype Development of PQC-based Hardware Crypto Tokens (Dongle)
6. Root cause analysis using machine learning (ML) techniques for a QKD field deployable system
7. XAI (Explainable Artificial Intelligence) for Side Channel Analysis (SCA)
8. Feasibility study on implementing PQC algorithms on Noise Protocol Framework
9. Integrated generative AI for threat hunting process
10. AI assisted Malware Risk Assessment Tool
11. Post Quantum Signature Schemes for Blockchain
12. Voice Phishing detection using Applied Machine Learning: Gathering various types of voice based phishing attacks like phone calls, audio messages, voice notes, etc. and generate a model to analyze the patterns and predict the outcomes
13. Usable Security towards Inclusive Cyber Security
14. Anomaly Detection techniques for Cyber Security
15. Post Quantum Cryptography based Browser
16. Post Quantum Cryptography based VPN
17. Timing Analysis of PQC based Key Encapsulation Mechanism
18. Side Channel Analysis on STM32 Microcontroller Platform
19. Drone detection and classification system
20. Emulation of Real-Time Operating System [RTOS]
21. Serial communication protocol analysis for Embedded System
22. Container Security: Simulation of various types of containers and orchestration engine vulnerabilities and implement robust security and mitigating measures to protect containerized environments from various types of attacks
23. Interactive Mobile Application For Cyber Security Threat Awareness – CyberMaaveeran